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Cashmere Hair
We want it to be easy for everyone to have the hair they’ve always dreamed of. We know what it’s like to not be happy with the hair you have naturally, we’ve been there. We always want what we can’t have, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be that way when it comes to your hair. Yes, you can have it!
We are so excited to provide you with the highest quality clip-in hair extensions to make your hair dreams come true.
Cashmere Hair is affordable, gives you longer, thicker, cashmere-soft hair in just minutes without causing any damage to your own hair. Win-win! We also provide excellent customer support, value, and confidence. Hair flips optional.

After only 5 months in business, Rachel & Melissa excitedly filmed for an episode of ABC's popular investment TV Show SHARK TANK. Just a few months later, in December of 2013, their episode aired, where the women presented their brand new business to the Sharks & the world. Even though they didn’t get a “deal”, they went on to become a multi-million dollar business and one of today’s leading hair extension companies on the market.
Rachel and Melissa had an instant connection from the first day they met and have been like sisters ever since. With a serious passion for beauty, hair and helping other women feel gorgeous, they created their luxury clip-in hair extensions brand right in the heart of Beverly Hills.
Rachel was a model in Los Angeles and Melissa was a successful celebrity hairstylist working in several Beverly Hills high-end salons. The friends couldn’t find any clip in hair extensions that were great. Only mediocre from local hair shops, or handmade ones. Rachel & Melissa began to make their own hair extensions, sewing on clips, designing the track placement that looked the most natural, even mixing colors of hair to customize it just right.
Everywhere they went they received so many compliments on their hair. Which was surprising because it was just “clip-in” extensions, not their real hair. The girls began working together to find a source for the best hair, they designed an amazing range of shades to match, and voilà! Cashmere Hair was born.
With names like "Beverly Hills Brunette,” "Sunset Blonde,” "Starlet Brunette,” & "Rodeo Drive Blonde" they offer a wide variety of the richest colors in the best selection of superior quality hair. Fit even for the pickiest celebrities, they are available worldwide to every woman to easily clip-in at home. Cashmere Hair® clip-in extensions have quickly grown to be the most sought after locks around the world.
“It wasn’t until earlier this year in April of 2013 that Barone and Bernstein decided to go into business and officially launched the Cashmere Hair Extensions Online Store. Within this short amount of time these high-end extensions have quickly become an Internet sensation as word of mouth quickly spread all over the social network sites, not to mention in their home town of Beverly Hills, CA. There hasn’t been many Brand New Start-up Businesses that can say they opened up a website, and a few months later, ended up on the Greatest Show on Earth the “Shark Tank Show.” After a little researching on comparable Hair Extension Products, the range in prices are all over the map. You can buy anything from synthetic hair extensions to the quality Remy Human Hair extensions and several in between. The Cashmere Hair® Extensions seem to be on the higher end in this market, but as the saying goes, “you get what you pay for” and if you’re looking for the Best, this seems to be It!”
Love Our Customers!
Cashmere Hair® was created to enable women like you, to have the opportunity to have the gorgeous, long and voluminous hair that you’ve always dreamed of. We know that not everyone is blessed with long gorgeous hair, even we aren’t. We wanted to create clip ins that were easy and that made gorgeous hair achievable for anyone and everyone. For this reason, Cashmere Hair clip in extensions are one of the top hair extensions brands in the world. From how easy it is to clip them in and remove them, to the highest quality real human remy hair, wide range of color options, lengths and overall design, Cashmere Hair extensions are worn by thousands of happy-&-now-hair-swishing women all around the world. You could be one of them!
Thanks to our awesome customer feedback, and seeing their new hair in action all across social media, it confirms that what we are doing is helping bring great confidence and gorgeous hair to the lives of so many women.
Cashmere Hair helps women just like you:
• Get the perfect bridal hairstyle for their wedding day, engagement photos, and bridesmaids too!
• Look amazing and confident at special events and parties and birthdays.
• Rediscover confidence everyday to face the world with their best hair forward, feeling younger and more confident.
• Cover, conceal, and hide embarrassing hair loss or thinning hair.
• Get the hair back that was recently lost to illness, cancer or alopecia.
• Have the freedom to DIY at home anytime for any occasion, instead of spending hours and thousands of dollars in a salon for damaging semi-permanent extensions.
• Correct or hide regretful haircuts or color mistakes.
• Get hair back after hair loss from pregnancy, postpartum or hormone imbalances.
• Finally get the hair that they just weren’t born with but always wished to have.
Cashmere Hair wants to THANK YOU, our customers for always supporting us, sharing your stories and real hair troubles so that we can continue to bring you the very best hair extensions. We appreciate your loyalty and always choosing Cashmere Hair® and we are confident that we will continue to create the best hair extensions to enhance your hair and give you the very best hair days everyday!