December 15th, 2013
Shark Tank Success! Cashmere Hair Extensions on Shark Tank

Luxury Hair Extensions - Episode 512 - 12/13/2013
Cashmere Hair Extensions Owners Rachel Bernstein & Melissa Barone coming to the Shark Tank in episode 512. If you're looking for the Very Best High Quality Hair Extensions available, then it looks like you only have two choices. Head on up to Beverly Hills, California, where all the Celebrities go, or simply visit the Cashmere Hair Extensions Website from Beverly Hills. Melissa Barone and Rachel Bernstein are the owners of Cashmere Hair Extensions and soon-to-be Famous Celebrities themselves after their appearance on the Shark Tank Show in episode 512.
These two Best Friends that refer to themselves as sisters, have been working on these high end clip-in extensions for several years perfecting their creations. Each and every extension is made with 100% Human Remy Hair. What's the difference between using human hair and Remy Human Hair you ask? A lot of human hair made into wigs and hair extensions are randomly collected, while remy hair cuticles are aligned in the same direction resulting in less tangles.
It wasn't until earlier this year in April of 2013 that Barone and Berstein decided to go into business and officially launched the Cashmere Extentions Online Store. Within this short amount of time these high-end extensions have quickly become an Internet sensation as word of mouth quickly spread all over the social network sites, not to mention in their home town of Beverly Hills, Ca. There hasn't been many Brand New Start-up Businesses that can say they opened up a website, and a few months later, ended up on the Greatest Show on Earth the "Shark Tank Show".
Cashmere Hair Extension's before Shark Tank Update:
So what's made Cashmere Hair such a huge success in such a short amount of time that would interest any of the Sharks to invest in this new start-up? For starter's it may have a lot to do with the connections both Melisa and Rachel have with the Beverly Hills and Hollywood elite. Melissa is also a Celebrity Hair Stylist in the Beverly Hills area, while Rachel works in Hollywood as a Makeup Artist and a Model. By combining their talents, they have created the absolute best hair extension's money can buy and a lot of Celebrities seem to agree.
I have to admit I was a little shocked how much a quality hair extension costs, but then again I really don't have enough hair to extend in the first place. A 20" hair extention made with 100% Remy Human hair will set you back $399.00 for this quality product. With a total of 14 shades to choose from, you better get it right or your SOL. Just kidding, actually Cashmere Hair Extensions offers what's called a "Swatch" which is essentially samples of Remy hair with different shades of color. Each Swatch is available for only $4.99 so you can make a perfect match before purchasing.
After a little researching on comparable Hair Extension Products, the range in prices are all over the map. You can buy anything from synthetic hair extensions to the quality Remy Human Hair extensions and several in between. The Cashmere Extensions seem to be on the higher end in this market, but as the saying goes, "you get what you pay for" and if you're looking for the Best, this seems to be It!